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Freephone Number

0800 246 5137

Calling from Mobile

07973 629 369


Overview for managing campaigns

Create Campaigns

Create unique campaigns with selected subscriber lists

Manage Subscribers

Keep subscriber lists up to date with easy management tools

Reporting Statistics

  • Where did the email go?
  • Who opened it?
  • Who clicked through?

Campaign Overview

  • Opened Emails
  • Bounced Emails
  • Unopened Emails

Quick Overview

Our reporting overview can be easily digested in seconds.

Double Bounce-Back

Who opened the email? Create a sales call list or send another offer.

What was clicked?

What offers generated interest? Which offers could be improved?


Where were offers popular? Create offers targeted by region.

Submit Brief

is_valid) { //if captcha success // compose email to send to me and Steve $mailto = "steve@remedymedia.co.uk"; //change to Steve later $mailsub = "Online Brief Submission"; $mailhead = "From: Remedy Website " . "\r\n"; $mailhead = "CC: kai@remedymedia.co.uk" . "\r\n"; //change to remedy address later $mailhead .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $mailhead .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $brief = urldecode($_POST['brief']); $brief = unserialize($brief); $bri = (object) $brief; $message = ""; $message .= "Project Submission:

"; $message .= "From:
"; $message .= "$bri->cont_name at $bri->comp_name
"; $message .= "$bri->phone

"; $message .= "Required by: $bri->date

"; $message .= nl2br($bri->brief); $message .= "

"; $message .= ( $bri->upload == "yes" ? "Client has files to upload to server." : "Client has no files to upload." ); // send email mail($mailto, $mailsub, $message, $mailhead); // if files, create username (email) and password (think about this) if ($bri->upload == 'yes') { $firsthalf = substr($bri->email, 0, 5); $secondhalf = (strtotime("now")) + (60 * 60 * 48); $toenc = $firsthalf."!".$secondhalf; $enc = base64_encode($firsthalf."!".$secondhalf); $fmailto = $bri->email; $fmailsub = "Uploading Files to Remedy Media"; $fmailhead = "From: Remedy Media " . "\r\n"; $fmailhead .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $fmailhead .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $fmessage = ""; $fmessage .= "Remedy Media Logo
Thank you for your submission. Please follow the instructions below to upload files to Remedy Media.

Upload your files at: www.remedymedia.co.uk/upload.php"; $fmessage .= "

Username: $bri->email
"; $fmessage .= "Password: ".substr($enc, 0, -2); $fmessage .= "

This username and password combination will only be valid for 48 hours. If you can't upload your files within this time, please email us at help@remedymedia.co.uk."; // send email to client mail($fmailto, $fmailsub, $fmessage, $fmailhead); }; /*Thanks for your details, you can now start uploading your files. We have sent you an email, please follow to retrieve your log in and password details. We will endevour to get back with you within 4 working hours. Thanks!*/ echo "
We will endeavour to get back to you within four working hours."; echo ( $bri->upload == "yes" ? "

We have sent you an email with your username and password details to upload your files.

" : "

"); } else { // show captcha ?>

Verification incorrect; please try again

Type of Project Brief
Company Name
Contact Name
Email Do you have files or assets to upload? Yes
Phone Required By

Contact Us

is_valid) { //if captcha success // compose email to send to me and Steve $mailto = "steve@remedymedia.co.uk"; //change to Steve later $mailsub = "Online Contact Form"; $mailhead = "From: Remedy Website " . "\r\n"; $mailhead = "CC: kai@remedymedia.co.uk" . "\r\n"; //change to remedy address later $mailhead .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $mailhead .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $brief = urldecode($_POST['cont']); $brief = unserialize($brief); $bri = (object) $brief; $message = ""; $message .= "Project Submission:

"; $message .= "From:
"; $message .= "$bri->contact at $bri->company
"; $message .= "$bri->phone

"; $message .= nl2br($bri->message); $message .= "

"; // send email mail($mailto, $mailsub, $message, $mailhead); // if files, create username (email) and password (think about this) echo "
Thanks! Will will try to get back to you within four working hours.
"; } else { // show captcha ?>

Verification incorrect; please try again

Company Name Message
Contact Name